The Most Unforgettable Canton Obituary You'll Ever Read

The Most Unforgettable Canton Obituary You'll Ever Read

We always love reading obituaries that we want to keepor wish we wrote! More and more people are choosing to write their own, and we highly encourage it! We dont know about you, but a good obituary can truly leave an impression on us. And thats why weve come up with our nine favorite obituaries ever written. David lee poole (just plain dave), born , passed away peacefully on , surrounded by loved ones, after a long battle with multiple sclerosis.

We always love reading obituaries that we want to keepor wish we wrote! More and more people are choosing to write their own, and we highly encourage it! We dont know about you, but a good obituary can truly leave an impression on us. And thats why weve come up with our nine favorite obituaries ever written. David lee poole (just plain dave), born , passed away peacefully on , surrounded by loved ones, after a long battle with multiple sclerosis.

Canton repository obituaries and death notices. Remembering the lives of those we've lost. And thats why weve come up with our nine favorite obituaries ever written. Laughter, tears, and inspiration are ahead.

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Canton Repository Newspaper Obituaries
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