Skyward HISD: Decode Skyward: Understanding Your Child's Data

Skyward HISD: Decode Skyward: Understanding Your Child's Data

Enter the code from your authenticator app. If you do not know your childs access code, click on lookup access code. You will be prompted to enter your childs tsds id, date of birth, and legal first name. Enter the code from your authenticator app. What is skyward family access?

Enter the code from your authenticator app. If you do not know your childs access code, click on lookup access code. You will be prompted to enter your childs tsds id, date of birth, and legal first name. Enter the code from your authenticator app. What is skyward family access?

If you have lost this information, you can retrieve it by contacting your. Please use the skyward log in information you used to register your student at the beginning of the year. Please contact your campus if you have lost your user name or password. Log into the family access system from family. hisd. com or from the hisd homepage (www. hisd. com/parents/skyward family access) with your confidential username and. If your school district has a number in its name, try searching for just the number. If there are multiple words in your district's name, try searching by just one part of one word.

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