In the housing portal, it doesn't give me a room number. I ended up stuck in morrill tower because my lottery number was so high. However, i filled out the room change request form. Living on campus offers many advantages and has been proven to enhance students success at ohio state. Our residential communities offer students matchless support and safety,.
You'll need to contact the student life housing and residence education office to request a housing contract ( housing@osu. edu ). You can also log in to the housing portal to view your. I want to live in lower rate housing. How can i request to do so? Housing rates are listed. Please submit a room change request through the housing portal by december 1 indicate for the question of would you like to move now or over a semester break that you wish to move over a. The starrez portal provides students with everything they need to manage their housing applications and other related services. You should be able to log into your housing portal and see if anybody claimed the other bed(s) in the room you picked!
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